Harvard Alpaca Ranch is open Thursdays and Fridays 11am-4pm and Saturdays and Sundays 10am-5pm

Harvard Alpaca Ranch

Exceptional alpacas and fiber products.

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Farm Tours

Offered Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, Year-round

Tours of the Ranch are offered on Fridays from 11am to 3pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 4pm. 

What happens during a tour? After a brief few words about safety, your group will be brought in to meet the alpacas in the barns. paddocks, or pastures (depending on where the alpacas are during your visit). We will discuss how and why we raise these beautiful, peaceful animals and introduce you to the individual alpacas (yes, everyone has a name and a unique personality). You are welcome to ask questions during the tour and take photographs. We do ask that you stay within earshot of the tour guide and not wander away and do your own thing.

Alpacas can be a bit fickle when it comes to being pet, so we ask you rely on your guide to advise you which alpacas are more likely to appreciate a scratch on the neck or back. Because they evolved as prey animals, most alpacas prefer not be touched (especially on their back end). If an alpaca wanders up to you and initiates contact, the best place to touch them is their neck or front shoulder area. If they walk away, they are saying that they are not interested in being pet at the moment and probably just came up to say hello and thank you for visiting.

Our guides do occasionally have treats to give to the alpacas (no need to bring anything from home). Visitors may be offered treats to feed the alpacas, but not always. In the presence of treats, alpacas can sometimes become competitive and that is when we usually see misbehavior such as spitting and disrespect of personal space. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025